Thursday, April 17, 2008

Never fear to copy

Ha, just a short post on my thoughts. Was having dinner with Ivan and Elgin today and while traveling there was talking to Ivan about somethings, and some things he shared just reminded me about something.

We should never fear to copy our leaders. I think in our modern society, everyone and everywhere is promoting individualism and because of that, we really are in a me, myself and I society. We are uniquely made, no doubt. But I think we must also be humble enough to copy those before us. Because they must have done something right and have something right in their lives to be successful in their lives! So yeah, don't be afraid to copy!

Sometimes it's more than just asking questions and learning verbally, but I think the greatest lessons are those which are not taught, but learnt through simply observation. So next time, let's be people who observe our leaders, they are there not only to take care of us, but also to show us the way! They have walked further and longer than us, so let's be humble and learn!

Personally, I'm still learning though I've been in church for about 8 years, I'm still learning, so people... don't stop doing so! When we stop learning, we stop growing, so keep learning and you'll keep growing!

Love hanging out with Pastors and the Leaders, always treasure the times I get to spend with them. More than just seeing how they love people practically, I think they thing that you observe about them, is their essence, which is most important. There are things in life that just cannot be taught, it just needs to be imparted. So let me challenge you, always have an open heart and learn from Pastors and the leaders!!!

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