Sunday, July 27, 2008

He thinks of you

Haha, I've not blogged in ages, but since I have the time, decided to do some blogging for a bit.

Came out super late yesterday, so was just rushing back home to unpack my things, and also to get some things before rushing down to church, ha. Though I reached on the dot, I was really ministered, ha.

During the worship, as we were singing 'Sing about You' God spoke to me, saying that He remembered me, ha. As I've been in camp for the past 5 and a 1/2 days it was really encouraging, also the lyrics of the song just clicked with the situation I was back in camp, ha. It was just a great session.

Anyways, in about 2 months, the course will end, and I'll finally be able to go back to shift work, ha. Wells, it's not that great, but wells, it allows me to be in church more often, so... yeah! Haha.

See you all soon

Sunday, July 20, 2008

All I need is......

Haha, decided that I should do a little update before I go to bed.

Wells, I just booked out on Saturday, so thus I can't blog as often I used to. But just wanted to say that things are doing good, ha. Even though I'm still adapting to camp life, I'm just trusting God to make the way.

But through camp, God's been there. Songs have just been bursting in my heart, ha. And those songs are really encouraging for myself and gives me strength to last in camp.

Though I missed a super powerful meeting on friday... But it was due to camp, so it was kinda hard to get out of it. Wells, it's a timing of where you need to do what you need to do and not worry about anything else, ha.

Anyways, today's AE was good, ha. There were many parents and I got to spoke to Yakuza's mother and played with his younger brother, ha. Also got to talk to Nadine's Mom for a bit, wells, Samantha and I kinda convinced Nadine's mom to get her a mac saying how much better it was then windows, so our power kinda gave a push for it. So Nadine's going to get her mac soon!

Oh yeah, I mentioned about camp, wells, that aside, but things have been different. I mean there's an internal change, ha. I feel more joy again, it's an internal joy. A joy that just cannot be explained, ha. Maybe because my heart's not as bobbed down as it was before, ha. I just want to serve God and be in the house of God, that's all I want now, ha.

Lastly, been also dreaming about people recently, ha. It's quite funny, cause it doesn't only happen when I sleep, but even when I nap in camp, ha. My heart just longs to be in Your House. So open the doors, open the gates God!

You are all I need.....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Convictions, Idealism... stand on what you really want

Woah, yesterday was a super powerful day.

We had AE weekend, meaning that Pastor How was sharing with us about the importance of school, that it's not about just attending school, but it's about loving to learn. That since birth, we all have the desire to learn, just that many of us aren't brought up that way. So from us, the next generation's going to be different, many geniuses will be brought up.

After that, some of us had discipleship class with Pastor and it was simply.... woah..... We watched Lions for Lambs, and it was really a great movie. Wells, it's alot of dialouge, but yet the actors did it really well. Tom Cruise can really act, he doesn't just look good!

Convictions, idealism. It's so important for us. We need to be a people of convictions, that we stand and hold on to it, no matter what life tells us. Idealism, that we hold on to our ideals, beliefs that even though it might never happen, we end the race knowing that at least we tried. We need to hang on, hang on to our convictions and idealism, even though when things don't seem to be going our way.

Also was talking to Ivan at his place last night and we were just talking. Talking about church, about people, and about what Pastor How shared during discipleship class, ha. It was really a powerful session and I shared with him about how I got a revelation from God while praying in camp. So it goes like this;

I'm re-coursed. If you don't know what that means, wells it's basically, I'm going back to do training instead of duties. And it really was getting very frustrating as I felt that I shouldn't even be there in the first place. Thus I was really praying to God to help me get out of it and also was praying for some of the guys.

When suddenly God reminded me, that whatever the Enemy meant for evil, God always turns it around for good. It really blew my mind away as I began to see that no matter how tough the problem is, or the circumstance is. God is always there, just that we don't see it. Why? Because we are too focused on the problem, too focused on getting it solved in our own way that we never really look upward and see that God's hand is already in it and that a work is being down in the background.

Oh how I hope that you would receive that into your heart. That no matter what you are going through, stand strong, stand on your convictions, hold on to your idealism. Because if you don't, you will never be who you are at this point of time. The promise and the potential, it's fickle. Meaning that it can disappear without you ever noticing it.

Am really feeling for this... Stand people. Fight the fight of faith. Run and finish the race. Don't give up just because things aren't as good as they seem, because at the end of the day, are you really happy with what you have become? Lost of idealism, lost of convictions, that you compromise and no longer fight. That is such a sad thing, and when that comes, you'll look back and think, 'what might have been, if only I held on 1,2,3,5,10 years ago?'

Stay strong people, attack life! Don't live a life of regret, but faith and success. I hope you get what I'm trying to put across!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

At last a post in....

Haha, it's been a very long time since I last blogged, but wells... it's for obvious reasons, ha. Wells, if you didn't know, I got re-coursed and yes, I am back to a stay-in personnel all the way till september, ha. So I won't be seeing you guys much on a weekday as much anymore.... which is really saddening, ha

Anyways, got home at 9pm, after showering, was just watching videos all the way, ha. Was watching some anime, and after that a documentary on Krav Maga. Woah... it's some interesting but yet scary stuff, ha. Wells, if you want to know more, please type Krav Maga at Youtube and you will be able to find it, ha.

That aside, was reminded about some stuff while praying in camp, ha. Was praying for church and some of the guys, when God reminded me that whatever Satan meant for evil, God will always turn it around for good. So though things seem dark at the moment, joy will come in the morning! So yeah, hang on people.

I can't wait for tomorrow, service's going to be good, but... need to go to the army market to buy stuff... crap

Wells, that's all for tonight, goodnight and goodbye. I look forward to catch up with you all soon!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Haha, thought of doing a little post since there's quite a lot of time in hand, haha.

Pastor How spoke something that was very personal for me, ha. He said that we don't need to prove ourselves. Meaning, that we don't need to prove who we are, just know that you and me, we are sons and daughters of God.

And no matter how bad or how well we do, that fact never does change. What you can do, have done or are doing, will never change the fact that Christ died for you. He died for you when you were clueless about life, when you weren't even born yet, Christ had already died for you. Tell me, how great is that love? A love that is unconditional for you and me.

The church is really going on to 2.0, especially with all the processes and also the charts coming up. But at the end of the day, we must never forget that we are God's children first, before any possible thing that we can ever do for Him. The greatest price and love has already been given, and that was on the cross, 2,000 years ago.

I remember during one of the services, God asked me, will you still be around if you are just a member of church? Meaning that I'm no longer serving in Church, but just attending it. I said yes, and I felt that something in my heart changed. That titles are not important, because they are given, but substance is something that lasts till eternity. So think about it, which is more important?

Also during today's worship God just reminded me about this and I was really blessed and ministered by God. Though some of us were dying because we were catching Munich at Ivan's place till about 6am? Worse still, we've not completed the movie yet! We decided to sleep, cause there was going to be service in a few hours time, haha.

Today was really a good day, ha. But thinking about that? Isn't everyday a good day, just having God with you is more than enough already!

Everyday's a good day, when I'm walking with You, walking with You

So that's it for tonight, goodnight and good bye

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A rising generation

Tomorrow's the day, haha
Wells, what I'm referring to is the stay over at Ivan's place, ha. Wells it's going to be cool because it's like one of our last few stay overs at Ivan's place with ernest before he enlists this coming wednesday.

Ah neh, I'm going to miss you man, wells, your hair's not the main factor, HAHA!
After he comes out after 2 weeks, it'll be back to hanging out on weekends again, haha.

Also, am really just looking forward to watch munich, haha

Wells that aside, was just talking to Jian Ming on the train on the way home, and he was asking if I visited Pastor Josh Kelsey's blog. Which of course I did, and speaking of that was reminded about what he said on his blog, ha. Wells, shan't quote anything from it because you can actually find it at:

We really are an amazing church, ha. Maybe you don't feel it, because you are in it. But sometimes, we should just step out and imagine ourselves in the shoes of another person. What we have here is really different, it's really a prototype, where there aren't many like us. So for us, we really must treasure what we have here.

Was thinking about this and one lyric came to my mind;
"I see a generation, rising up to take their place
with selfless faith, with selfless faith"

It's true isn't it? We really are that generation, if only you would believe, God would be able to do so much more. Let's be a strong church, that's creative and moves like an army! That's the church that Pastors want us to be, so let us rise and be that church!

Friday, July 4, 2008


Haha, had a good day today.
Wells, I had zone meeting today, wells just a side note, I'm in C zone! Haha
What an honour and privilege it is to be there, with so many that have been church for the longest of time.

That aside, dinner time with Ivan, Sean, Hong Hwee and Elgin was good. Wells, we talked about many stuff, but it's not the usual stuff where we talked about church, but just had a talk about martial arts, and we were talking about mixed martial arts, krav maga, etc. Talking about how deadly they are from which we suddenly progressed to Israel.

We were talking about how powerful they were as a nation, that they are the only nation that has never lost a single war. They are also a very effective nation that clamps down on corruption immediately once it's detected. Cool eh? We also talked about the great generals that they had and one of them was, Moshe Dayan. Wells, he's one amazing guy, more than just that he won the war that he fought, but when he was entering the gates of Jerusalem, he got out of his tank and went over there by foot.

When questioned, why did he walk there instead of taking the tank, he simply replied, "If my God entered Jerusalem on a donkey's back, how can I enter this place on a tank?"

Wells with that we kept talking about these kind of things all the way home, ha. It was really a guys' talk thing, haha. Wells, I'm looking forward to saturday, we're going to watch munich! Wells, it's about the munich olympics killings of the jewish athletes and what Israel kinda did to get revenge. It's going to be an exciting movie, looking forward to watch it!

Anyways, my posting's out, but yet it seems uncertain, wells, I'm still praying, because tomorrow's my last day. Hoping and praying for the best.

Alright, I'm off
Have a good day after reading this!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A short note.....

Haha, an update, which I have not done in the past few days....

Wells, things have been going good, I'm still at an 8-5, but tomorrow, I'm going to know the full details of what's going to happen, but no matter what happens, trust God in it, faith and success!

Anyways, have been talking to a few people and realised that half a year has already passed! But the amazing thing is... the last half a year, felt like 2007 compressed into it! Wells, think about it, so many things have happened, events, changes in church, etc. We really are running at a faster pace in going to HOGC 2.0!

Watched 'Wanted' with Ivan, Ernest, Sean, Hong Hwee on monday, it was not a bad movie, other than the flowery use of vulgarities, which was quite irritating. The plot was actually interesting. But like Ivan said, it's mainly a guys' movie.

That aside, I'm just looking forward to the next half of the year. What's going to happen? Especially with the re-structure becoming official soon. It's really going to make us more focused in reaching out to people and their families!

Anyways, that's about it for today, gotta sleep, got to be up early tomorrow. Nights all!