Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lights, camera and...... ACTION!!!!

Ha, been reading for most of the day at 'work' and was really impacted by somethings that I read.

Wells, the book that I was reading was the all famous book, 'The Unquenchable Worshipper' by Matt Redman. Here's what I got;

'And so, too out of what's stored up in our hearts we sing and serve and live.'

Thinking about that, isn't it true??? All our actions are subconciously affected by what's been stored in our hearts?

We contact those who... have a place in our hearts. We love those who have captivated our hearts. We live according to what's in our hearts. So yeah, if everyone worked on their heart, I think we would be able to do so much more!

Attended combined service and it was great, really felt the presence of God and was really refreshed by it. The touch of God was just simply... amazing. Pastor was sharing with us about generosity and speaking of that, it's really something from the heart.

It's about giving and having no expectancy of returns, not like the way investments work. It's about sowing, regardless whether you'd reap or not. So yeah, we got to be a generous generation. Not just with our finances, but with our love! Let's really all love at a God level this year, like what Pastor How shared!

Lastly, just a post to someone out there, keep going man. God never shortchanges His people. All things work for His plan, even stoppages or breaks. So keep hanging on friend, you can do it!

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