Monday, May 12, 2008

Mixed Emotions.....

Haha, was reading Ivan's post, and am just so so ....... don't know how to put it in words, ha.

Today was amazing, though Pastors weren't around, still the service was great. The video that Pastor chose for us to watch was simply powerful, sharing with us the importance of not only prayer, but rather, about how we should come to God and also know our position in Christ. There's so so many things to learn from the video, I sure hoped that you caught it too!

Anyways, today was simply amazing, when Dominic came up and took over after the video, his sharing was really powerful, above the relevance with the sermon. What I was most impacted by was his honesty. What he shared, wasn't just knowledge, but his personal revelation and encounters of putting what was taught into practice! Truly, there's a touch of Pastors in the senior leaders of church. It's heart of God church, what you see is what you get! There's nothing between the lines, so stop trying to mis-interpret!

Also, heard that Zone F had a power, powerful service. Was hanging out in office after service, when everyone else was rushing off for mothers' day dinners/ celebrations. Wells, I am going to celebrate too! But just that not so soon, haha. Anyways, that aside, back to the main topic. Read what Ivan shared through his blog, and really was just so touched. That God's been faithful, always. Though there was a batch of us together, growing up, sharing our lives. Some have already left, we're sad, but we've got to move on! Like Ivan typed, we pray that the first 1000, will be strong, being really RADICAL. Not just the hype of the service, or the event.

Remembered something Pastor shared, and Dominic also shared it today. What keeps us in church? It's simply..... the..... Presence of God. Because honestly, what gets you to church, keeps you in church. if it's friends, then if they leave, you leave. But if it's God, then you'll never leave, cause God never leaves His church!

What does it mean? Wells, simply put, just picking up the guitar and worshipping God with it. Entering the Holy of Holies, without the whole band, but just simply a guitar, with a heart so hungry for God. That was what we experienced alot back in henderson, ha. Let's really be a church that hungers for God! And be a Radical generation, like no one has seen before!

For those who are still around, I'm just glad that you're still around, ha. Though I might not talk to you often, but I do think about you guys in camp, haha. I always think about church before I sleep in camp, and people just come flooding in my mind, ha. Stay strong yo, I'll see you guys in the many many years to come. Weddings, Families, Babies. So so many things to look forward to!

Ok, think that's about it, ha. This entry's arrangement's a little weird... but it's what in my heart, hope you get what I'm trying to put across, love you all!

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