Sunday, May 18, 2008

Home Grown

Nothing beats 'Home Grown' things.
Home Grown musicians, who were trained from S.O.W
Home Grown ops people, who were trained from scratch
Home Grown leaders, who have the HOGC DNA
Home Grown word, which speaks so presently and individually for all of us!

Today's services were simply a blast. Pastors both preached a very different word for the services, but they were still amazing. Zone F had their first ever service in the main auditorium! It sure was exciting, but Pastor Lia went down to the basic, of loving God and knowing Him. That we don't live from event to event, but from revelation to revelation. Personally also received a revelation from God about my situations and next phase in my marathon with God.

And the usual service at 5pm, where Pastor How preached about Confidence/ Faith. It's so true that in our society there aren't many confident people. A society where if you don't meet the standards, you are outcasted or put aside. But we can be always confident in one thing, and that is God. Once we are confident in God, we will be confident people! A generation of God-loving, confident people!

Pastors were also sharing about their experience over at Korea and it was great, above just the event, I think what I was most most impacted by, was actually the fact that so so many of them are still around ever since the church started like, 50 years ago! It's so cool man, like Pastor Lia said, a generation growing old together. And when we look back, we can see the 'Journey of a Dream' and all the different points that God has taken us!

Just had a really powerful day today, God really came through and spoke to me today. Without God, I think many of us wouldn't have been who we are now. Can you imagine yourself without God or HOGC? ....... Cause I can't! HOGC is us, and we are HOGC.

Anyways, ending off. Here's a quote for thought:

'Let's grow old together'

Hope you catch the heart behind that line, love you all!

Btw, Ivan if you're reading this, I hope you guys are having fun over there, really really wanted to join you guys man.... Soon, soon!

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