Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dated: 02 Nov 2008

Haha, it's not going to be another 19 days before I update my blog.

Things have been good. Been really going through a period of soul-searching with God, ha. Wells, it's more like a re-shift of focus again and that it's time to keep progressing in God.

Service was great. Pastor How was sharing with us about the anointing and one the things that really impacted me was actually that the world will see the scars that we have and know and know and know that the God we serve is real.

Think about it, how many youths in Singapore have seen 2 of their friends passed away in front of them due to an accident? We really have gone through much as a church, if only we can see that we really are a different group of people. But like Pastor How shared, we are not better, we are just different.

It's been really a good week, was really seeking God in camp too. And really got what I've been seeking God for and yep, so it's here all over again, ha. I know I say this many times, but yeah, it's the time for us to grow as Christians before we do anything else.

Also, Nick Vujicic and Pastor Kong's up this coming week. It's going to be a blast. We're all going to go up another level again, and with that we're heading to the 1,400 at the end of the year.

Let's go people, just abit more and the year ends. Let's keep going for God.

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