Sunday, August 24, 2008

Forever = Generations......

Haha, my long awaited weekly posts on my blog, ha.

Wells, if you haven't knew, my blog's only updated once a week now, it's sad I know, ha. But wells, I'm serving my term, so you can't really blame me you know, haha.

Anyways, that aside. Here's the real deal, ha. Today was just powerful. Zone F had a powerful service and Pastor Lia was preaching. The atmosphere was just sweet. It's really been a long time since we last had such a service, where everyone was just so so ministered in the presence of God.

Also the main service was good. The praise and worship, the sharing. Was just simply a blast. Through this week's service, God showed me a new thing, ha. It's really something that I've never seen before, it's like a new perspective and it really just blew me away.

You know we always speak about forever? Like it's an eternal thing right? Which is true, that forever means an everlasting thing. But God showed me that forever is that, but also it's generations. Because generations are on-going too! Meaning forever = generations! Hope you get what I mean.

Anyways, tomorrow's going to be a blast, many exciting things are going to happen, ha.

Goodnight and goodbye

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